Scheduled Works


Dear Customer,

Please note that that the start time window for these works has been pushed back until 9PM.
The date and finish time of 1AM remains unaffected.

Thank you

Kind Regards,
The MaxoTel Team

Vedligeholdelse Planlagt

Dear Customers,

On Thursday (18/10/18) we will be conducting planned maintenance on the Maxotel network, between the hours of 9:00PM and 1:00AM.

Infrastructure changes being made during these works may result in minor interruptions to service for periods of up to 5 minutes at a time. It’s possible that calls in progress may be periodically disconnected or experience a small amount of degradation of audio quality. We don’t anticipate any further impact beyond this.

These works are being performed as part of on-going network capacity upgrades to ensure that our customers continue to experience high quality service as the load on our network increases.

Should you have any queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our team on 1800 12 12 10.

Thank you

Kind Regards,
The Maxotel Team

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